My Mission!

My Name is Christina Rogers, I love to read and I am a firm believer that books can change a person's life. For instance...Murder in the Cove was the first book I ever read at about 21 years old. I could always read, just never found anything that really sparked my interest, until that book! It still remains one of my favorites to this day. Generation Dead by Dan Waters is a great book for people who are in situations (being bullied mainly) to realize they are not alone. I found solace in that knowledge and it made me feel stronger, and more Confident about myself, seeing these characters overcome so much made me believe I could overcome my adversities as well.

There are so many books out there! Authors of whom you may not have herd of, and there is my primary Goal...To bring to you Not only books others know and love, but also to show you new Authors, and Titles that probably would not have been brought to your attention until now. For instance, Few have herd of Dan Waters Author of The Generation Dead Novels, Michelle Zink who wrote The Prophecy of the sisters. Or Canadian Writers such as, Kathleen J. Farthing- Murder in the Cove, or Lesley Crewe-Relative Happiness, and Shoot me. If this is the case, and you haven't herd of these Writers and their great books you may be missing out on the greatest book you would ever read.
No matter what, there is a book out there for you. Weather it be Michelle Zink's Prophecy of the sisters, where two sisters have to fight against each other in a true test of love and Destiny/fate, or J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Fighting for survival and Friendship. Or maybe you wish to fight Valentine and disobey the Clave in an attempt to save love, and lives in Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices, and Mortal Instruments. There is With out a doubt a book out there that speaks to you.

My mission is to help you find it. I have a very vast Library of books, my goal is to review these books and hopefully open up a world of mystery and magic for you, or Allow you to find a book that will broaden your horizons, and give you facts that you have been searching for. From Non-Fiction to Fiction, Adult to Childhood books I hope to help you find your perfect match.

So give me ideas of what you like, let me know what your favorite Genres of books are. or just browse through what already lies in the pages of this blog, there is something for you, I just Know it!

Happy Reading,

Christina Rogers

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Angels of the Maritimes By your side, and Angels of the Maritimes Vol. 2

Angels of the Maritimes
By your side.
and Angels of the Maritimes Vol. 2

By: Karen Forrest

These books are about 120 pages long each. They are beautifully compiled books of different stories, ones of people being touched by the aid and comfort of Angels in times of need, times of pain, sorrow, sadness... But also in times of happiness, hope and love. These books are broken up into what I would call "testimonies", they are very fast  pace, and they will touch you, no matter who you are there is a story in at least one of these books that will touch your heart. Many have touched mine, but I believe my favorite is from the first Book... it is called "Saving a Soldier", it's about a hero from WWI, he wore a medallion every single day, and because of it he lived! this story really touched my heart because I often on travels where my St. Christopher medallion and I believe it has saved the lives of me and many of my loved ones on our travels. I truly believe miracles can happen, and that the Angels watch over those who seek their aid.

I love these books, Karen Forrest Did an excellent Job!

A little about Karen:

Karen Forrest, BN, ATPR, CD, Angel Therapy Practitioner (certified by world-renowned Doreen Virtue, Ph.D), has received spiritual training. Her vision is to assist people in connecting with their angels and the divine, to honor their life's purpose, she offers readings and workshops in angel/medium readings, and Words of Wisdom Counseling. She has a background in Mental Health Nursing, in which she is now a retired officer of in the Canadian Armed  Forces. She now counsels and heals with a heart of compassion.


The Cat That Barked

The Cat That Barked

By: Budge Wilson
illustrated by: Terry Roscoe

This book is 62 pages long, a great chapter book for children. It follows a young girl named Stephanie Henderson through a tough move, and looks into her relationship with her furry best friend "Fido". She has a hard time at first fitting in at school, but soon, with the help of  Fido, she finds a way to fit in just fine.

Budge Wilson lives in Nova Scotia, She is the Award-winning author of many Children's books.

Terry Roscoe lives in the woods near Annapolis Royal, and as illustrated a few of Budge's books before. Together these two make beautiful Children's books.

The Cat That Barked is a very well done Children's book, it really reflects how a child feels moving from one province to another, and leaving their friends behind, only to go somewhere where they don't know anyone. Being a cat lover, i enjoy the fact that the cat plays a huge part in this book. I think this book is beautiful, it has a great story, and even some cute facts about this great country of ours. I believe this book needs to find it's way into the school system for young children, Two very BIG thumbs up from me :)!  A++

Go get your copy!

Thursday 26 September 2013

Thank you!

I want to thank Emily Mackinnon, for sending me so many great books to review. They are great books, and I will post my reviews on them very shortly., thank you for your patience in this. And sorry to everyone who has viewed my blog and not seen any new developments lately, my computer is not very cooperative right now, it has a big black leaf-shaped blob in the middle of it. I just hope my spelling doesn't suffer too bad from it :). Thank you all for your patience .
